2012年8月24日 星期五

What Happens in a Bipolar Depression Disorder?

Bipolar depression disorder happens when a patient becomes so depressed in a given period of two or more weeks and exhibits severe and highly unusual depressions so abnormal and cyclic that psychiatric help is required since the disorder greatly affected the individual's performance at work, school, home or with general social interactions.

The depression is so strong that sleep is either deprived or grossly lacking. Abnormal mood lapses from over-excitement to debilitating depression the next minute or day with very fast and racing thoughts are also characteristic. Hallucinations and delusions may also occur with abnormal mood changes.

This has long plagued relationships, families, friendships, schoolwork, jobs and people's ability to lead normal lives. Signs and symptoms of this disorder have become more and more prevalent now that public awareness is increasing exponentially. Family and friends of a bipolar disorder patient are often baffled by the symptoms, which is why medical help is usually sought.

How is bipolar depression disorder ruled out?

Diagnosis is performed through a series of tests, physical exams and laboratory tests. Only a psychiatrist can determine if a patient has the disorder and what treatment plan is recommended. The doctor usually interviews family members and friends to get a complete historical profile of the condition after a series of tests. The medical profile of the patient consists of input from family members and friends, and the patient's own input gives more details. This must be differentiated from unipolar depression where there are no manic mood swings.

The harmful symptoms of bipolar disorder are as follows:

o Unusual and prolonged periods of euphoria;

o Over-agitation, over-irritability and annoying moods which are beyond normal limits;

o Intense impulses that might include indulging in sex, shopping sprees and business investments;

o Racing thoughts that cause lack of sleep and over-restlessness;

o Hallucinations that go far beyond the existing reality;

o Alcohol and substance abuse cannot be directly attributed to the major problem of the inability to make decisions;

o Thoughts, actions and attempts regarding suicide;

o Hyperactivity, attention deficit, restlessness and excessive energy.

One week is usually needed to observe the patient's altering mood episodes in order to rule out bipolar depression disorder.

How is bipolar depression disorder treated?

There is no cure yet discovered to ultimately banish this illness, but there are treatment combinations available depending on the diagnosis. This is a lifelong condition that requires both psychotherapy and medication that sometimes extends over a lifetime to alleviate the symptoms of continuous patterns related to bipolar disorder.

Major depressive episodes are so severe that there is increased risk for suicide. For a doctor to know which medication plan works best, she has to alter the plan to determine the most effective prescriptions. Behavioral patterns are studied and observed via a daily life chart to ascertain the effects of the medication in place. As the behavior changes, the doctor may add or reduce medications to lessen the symptoms of bipolar depression disorder.

Want to know what are some other bipolar disorder remedies [http://www.remedybipolardisorder.com/] available? Head over to our site and download your FREE bipolar disorder report today and discover how you can better manage this mood disorder at http://www.BipolarDisorderInsider.com today!

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