2012年8月3日 星期五

About Depression Disorder Among People

In today's world, depression has risen to become quite a commonplace mental disorder that can affect almost anyone at any age, including the elderly, middle aged men and women, young adults, teenagers, and even young children. There are many contributing factors for the causes of depression and things such social, cultural, and economical factors can play a major role in causing depression disorder in someone. The universal definition for depression tends to revolve around the common symptoms that are expressed or displayed in individuals who have been identified as suffering from a major depressive disorder. These symptoms of depression include things such as:

-Constant mood swings

-High irritability

-Change of appetite

-Weight gain

-Weight loss

-Irregular sleep patterns


-Inability to concentrate

The treatment for depression can vary from person to person and the more commonly used methods are strong anti-depressant medication, behavioral therapy, physical therapy, group therapy, and counseling. Other extreme and experimental methods for treating depression have also been used with varying degree of success. Things such hypnosis, electro-impulse therapy, and experimental drugs have been used.

Since depression is a mental illness where the individual who is suffering from it will often deny that they even have it in the first place, it is quite hard for others to get help for them. More often than not, the person's friends and family must first attempt to convince him/her that they might in fact be suffering from some form of depression and that they should seek help as soon as possible. By admitting or at least considering that one may be suffering from a depressive disorder, the possibility of being healed and recovering from it increases exponentially.

For those who suspect that someone they know might be suffering from a major form of depression, it is well advised for you to consult them and approach them with an "easy" attitude to try and persuade them to seek professional help.

Alex Igorado is a therapeutic counselor who helps people cope with stressful life situations that are hard to deal with alone. He specializes more in the counseling individuals who have been diagnosed with having a depression disorder. Alex is also one of the editors for the Treating Depression Help website for various information relating to depression disorders such as agitated depression can be found.

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