Major depression also referred to as major depressive disorder is when five or more symptoms of the condition are present for at least two weeks. These signs and symptoms include irritability, restlessness, agitation and significant change in appetite often with weight loss or gain. Other symptoms include fatigue and lack of energy, difficulties in concentrating as well as feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt. Trouble falling asleep or excessive sleeping, inactivity and withdrawal from activities that you once enjoyed are other indicators. Another symptom is thoughts of death and suicide.
This condition is diagnosed when you report having five or more of the above symptoms for at least two weeks. The exact causes of major depression are unknown but researchers believe that it is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain which may be hereditary or caused by certain events in your life. Stressful events can trigger this condition but normally it is a combination of factors. This illness affects men and women of all ages and races.
Medications and counseling are the main types of treatment for this disorder. Often, a combination of these two treatments is used. Studies have shown that when antidepressants are combined with psychotherapy, they are more effective than when only one is used.
Electroconvulsive therapy or ECT is another treatment for major depression. It is used when you have failed to respond to medications and psychotherapy. This treatment causes a seizure by means of an electrical current. It is used to improve the mood of severely depressed or suicidal people.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression []
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