2012年7月28日 星期六

Depressive Disorders

The term depression is often used to refer to any of the many depressive disorders. The exact causes of these conditions are unknown but probable causes include heredity, changes in neurotransmitter levels, altered neuroendocrine function as well as changes in psychosocial factors. Depression is a mental disorder that is characterized by a negative sense of inadequacy and altered moods. It is a state of mind in which you experience sad feelings of gloom and pessimistic thinking. You will also have a low self-esteem as well as low self-reproach. When you are depressed, you feel down, low and hopeless. This condition can occur at any age but normally it develops in the mid teens, 20s or 30s.

There are several depressive disorders. Major depression normally makes you uninterested in activities that you previously enjoyed. It can lead to loss of appetite and weight. It will make you feel hopeless. Atypical depression is when you sometimes experience happiness and moments of elation. Other symptoms are oversleeping, fatigue, weight gain and overreacting to issues. When you have this disorder, you will be under the believe that outside events control your moods.

Psychotic depression is when you start to hear and see imaginary things. These things may include sounds, voices and visuals that are nonexistent. You will start imagining and frightening and negative images. These are also referred to as hallucinations which are normally common with persons suffering from schizophrenia.

Dysthymia is another depressive disorder. It is when you go through life feeling unimportant and dissatisfied. You will always be sad and frightened. Manic or bipolar disorder is characterized by altered mood swings ranging from depression to mania. People who suffer from this condition have an extremely high rate of committing suicide.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on Depression and its treatment. Depression [http://macypages.com/2009/07/depression/]

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